FishSAFE v49 available NOW!
The latest version of FishSAFE Information (version 49) is available for download now from here.
USB cards will be issued by the SFF, NFFO and Seafish during early August.
This release contains 1,000s of changes, with new hazards, structures and zones. It’s essential for you to be up to date.
For further information, please contact Kingfisher, or your appropriate fishing federation.
28 January 2025
NEW FishSAFE Alarm Unit Available NOW!
The latest version of the FishSAFE unit, Mk3, is now available to UK based vessels. This incorporates considerable improvements and has proved very popular with skippers who have undertaken fishing trials.
New features include:
- Touch-screen
- Auto-update
- On-screen messaging
- HDMI output to overhead display
To purchase a unit, see the guidance on the How to buy a FishSAFE unit page on this website or contact the SFF at
The project has been supported by the EU European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Scottish Government.
18 June 2020
FishSAFE Companion App
Ever wondered how big a Suspended Wellhead is, or how high Platform Footings are off the seabed, or how dangerous a Pipeline Span is? Well look no further than the FishSAFE Companion App.
The FishSAFE Companion App shows you what these oil & gas structures look like, their size and design and gives you a short animation of each, so you’re no longer in the dark about just how hazardous these structures can be.
Search “FishSAFE Companion App” on the App Store or Google Play and click here to view some of the animations.
27 January 2020